5 Cybersecurity lessons to learn from Stranger Things

5 Cybersecurity lessons to learn from Stranger Things Featured

Netflix’s original series ‘Stranger Things‘ season-4 is on its way to a worldwide release today. As the plot deepens every season, viewers are rooting hard for their favourite characters. From the power-house Eleven to lovable Steve, everyone has made their way to our techno-savvy hearts. You’d be mighty pleased to know that this series not […]

Revealing REvil

An Overview of the most dreaded ransomware in recent times Resurgence of Ransomware In April 2019, the Cybereason Nocturnus team encountered several target machines infected with a ransomware called Sodinokibi, which spread via links to zip files containing malicious. Sodinokibi (aka Sodin aka REvil) is installed on machines by exploiting an Oracle WebLogic vulnerability (CVE-2019-2725) and […]

Technical Analysis of DearCry Ransomware

Note: This is a technical deep-dive into DearCry ransomware. If you want a preliminary analysis of the ransomware, you can find it here. The Network Intelligence team initiated a Static analysis of the ransomware sample we received. The team used a tool called PEstudio, which helps in the static analysis of executable files. Static Analysis […]

DearCry Makes Organisations Cry

Note: We have also done a technical analysis on DearCry. Read here. It’s a warm summer morning. While sipping your morning coffee, you access the work email. But you’re unable to log in. After trying a few tricks you’ve read up in some tech blogs, you reach out to your IT team. They remote log-in […]

Ransomware Simulation

Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack. – Sun Tzu, The Art of War Ransomware have gained much notoriety in recent times. Locky, Wannacary, Petya and others have largely contributed to making ransomware attacks mainstream knowledge. However, in-spite of such heightened awareness about the prevalence of ransomware, many employees […]