Cybersecurity Threats at the Olympics

With more than 11,000 athletes from 206 countries participating, the world is watching the delayed Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games with great enthusiasm. But, unfortunately, while the Olympics showcases the very best in sporting talent, it also has a history of attracting cybersecurity threats from those seeking to cause politically motivated harm, make easy money, spread […]

Technical Analysis of DearCry Ransomware

Note: This is a technical deep-dive into DearCry ransomware. If you want a preliminary analysis of the ransomware, you can find it here. The Network Intelligence team initiated a Static analysis of the ransomware sample we received. The team used a tool called PEstudio, which helps in the static analysis of executable files. Static Analysis […]

DearCry Makes Organisations Cry

Note: We have also done a technical analysis on DearCry. Read here. It’s a warm summer morning. While sipping your morning coffee, you access the work email. But you’re unable to log in. After trying a few tricks you’ve read up in some tech blogs, you reach out to your IT team. They remote log-in […]

Malware Development – Welcome to the Dark Side: Part 1

If you are in cybersecurity, especially Red Teaming, writing a full-undetectable (FUD) malware is a great skill to have. Folks tend to use Metasploit combined with Veil-Evasion or PE injectors like LordPE or Shelter, to generate a binary which can bypass the antivirus. Sometimes this works and sometimes it does not. The worst thing that […]