Windows Timeline: Putting the what & when together

One of the most critical factors that determine the success and efficacy of a digital forensic investigation is putting together the right temporal analysis of events. At a fundamental level, the Windows Timeline is nothing but putting the what and when together of the user’s activities on a Windows system. The Windows Timeline is an […]

Reverse Engineering For Beginners – XOR encryption – Windows x64

Prologue In the previous blogpost, we reverse engineered a binary and extracted the password from within it. This binary however contained a plaintext password. This was good to start for beginners, but you won’t really find such types of binaries in today’s world. In real life, passwords are mostly obfuscated or encrypted. Most of the […]

Logging in MySQL

Scope: This article demonstrates logging techniques in MySQL to uncover and analyze any mischief attempts done by (outside or inside) user focusing on specific areas in database. Getting Started: Following are the types of logs available in MySQL[1]. Log Type Information Written to Log Error log Problems encountered starting, running, or stopping mysqld General query […]