Confession Of A Shopaholic That Will Help You Shop Safer!

Shopping during Christmas is always fun and exciting, but it can get tricky with offers that sound too good to be true. This blog will give you tips to help you shop safely online.

Fake Sites

Although online shopping is highly convenient, many people fall victim to fraudsters who want nothing but your money.

For instance, there are many sites where you can find great deals. But, as with anything, there is always the chance of​ something going wrong. 

This is a particular example of an “online fraud” known also as phishing scam​ or a ​pharming scheme.  Though it might appear as if the site you are trying to access is identical to the actual site, it might not be so.

If you know what to look for, you will be able to pick up on subtle differences.

Let’s go over some dos and don’ts for buying Christmas gifts this season.

Do’s And Don’ts of Holiday Online Shopping

The Do’s 

Place An Order Over A Secure Connection.

If you shop online using a wireless network, your data needs to be encrypted so that cybercriminals don’t steal your credit card or bank account information. There are ways to secure your online transaction that you can follow. Also, using public networks for financial transactions is not safe as you have no idea if such networks are secure from hackers or other forms of attack. Make sure to avoid them as much as possible.

Get To Know The Seller And Their Reputation.

If you’re familiar with the store, shop comfortably on their online store. If you’re unfamiliar with the business, this might be the best option for you. Do your homework by visiting e-commerce review sites to find out more about that company’s reputation. Only buy from reputable sellers and avoid taking a chance on ones with poor feedback or no reviews at all.

Eschew Deals That Sound “too good to be true.”

Any online shop that makes compromises in pricing is questionable. If the price is way too low, consider whether the seller legally purchased the items, whether they are branded items or a cheap replacement, whether the product works or not, and whether you can exchange damaged goods.

Create A Strong And Unique Password.

When shopping, you will often be asked to create an account with a password. You can usually log out or not create an account unless you frequently plan to use the online store. If you create an account, make sure the password is unique and easy-to-remember. Use your browser’s password suggestion and storage features.

Double-Check The Store’s Shipping Policy.

Some retailers charge high shipping costs, turning a good deal into a costly mistake. See if they offer tracking and insurance. Find out about the shipping service providers and become suspicious if the goods are not shipped within ten days.

Choose Cash On Delivery.

If you make your first purchase through an e-commerce portal, it is best to pay cash on delivery. Some fake websites accept customer payments but never sell goods.

The Don’ts

Do Not Fall Into The Trap Of Offers Advertised On Social Networks.

Social media sites may be able to help you get better deals. However, not all links shared on social media sites are legal. Some links can lead to fraudulent websites. Hence, be extra wary of sites you arrive at after clicking social media links

Don’t Forget To Read The Small Print.

The terms and conditions are printed in excellent type that you should read carefully, especially when purchasing skincare products and electronics. You must review all product details.

Don’t Use Public WiFi. 

Do not use public WiFi when shopping online. Hackers can easily access public WiFi networks and steal personal information. Therefore, do not shop online when connecting to an airport, hotel, or other public contact points.

Don’t Use A Payment Gateway That Isn’t Secure.

If the payment gateway is not secure (protected by a digital certificate), do not pay online, as this could result in the theft of your personal information. When paying online, ensure you have the encryption key (small key code) in the payment gateway. This guarantees secure payment.

Don’t Use An Online Store That Requests Too Much Information. 

Expect to provide a payment method, shipping address, phone number, and email address, but omit it if the seller asks for more information. Never give them your bank account number, social security number, or driving license number. 

However, some companies will ask you questions about your interests, but these questions should always be optional, and you should be careful about answering them. Does the dealer sell, rent or share your data? Check the website’s privacy policy to see if your information has been compromised. Many stores specifically state that they do not share, sell, or rent consumer information. Others claim ownership of your data and the right to use (or abuse) it as they see fit. Stick with companies that care about your privacy.

Wrapping Up!

Christmas is a time to rejoice and shop! Whether you are a shopaholic or not, it is a good idea to take precautions when shopping during the festive season. Whether it be from phishing scams, identity theft, or even just getting your credit card stolen, it’s essential to make sure that you are protecting yourself. Hope this blog post will help you shop safer and rejoice this holiday season. Happy shopping!


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