Computer Forensics Volunteer Project

by Bhushan Shah, NII Consulting

Mrs Carol L. Stimmel has taken upon her to start a Computer Forensic Volunteer Project to provide low-cost services to those who cannot assert advantage from our skills.

Here is a bit taken from the press release:-

“As expert members of the international computer forensics community which provides unique and highly desirable services to the legal system, we assume a responsibility to provide services to those in need yet unable to pay. As a result, the Computer Forensics Volunteer Project (CFVP) provides pro bono and low-cost forensic services to individuals and organizations who normally would not be able to take advantage of the distinct litigation advantage provided by these techniques.”

On behalf of NII Consulting I have volunteered to take part in the project and would like to help people who cannot afford such services.


1 comment

this is really very nice. but where is such course/training available (in India?).
Even I can’t afford a Rs.20000/- for this (short term) course but I’m ready for any course of “learn & earn” kind. Where can I get such course.

Can anybody help me?

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