Malware Development – Welcome to the Dark Side: Part 1

If you are in cybersecurity, especially Red Teaming, writing a full-undetectable (FUD) malware is a great skill to have. Folks tend to use Metasploit combined with Veil-Evasion or PE injectors like LordPE or Shelter, to generate a binary which can bypass the antivirus. Sometimes this works and sometimes it does not. The worst thing that […]

Hunting Phish Domains

Most organizations face a barrage of attacks every day from threat actors around the globe. Among the various vectors, attackers have found relatively high degree of success by (spear) phishing employees of the organization. This allows attackers to bypass perimeter defences and gain a foothold in the internal network. SOC teams have multiple approaches to […]

Information Rights Management – Addressing The Need

What is Information Rights Management? Information Rights Management is the set of techniques and methods which protect the highly sensitive information of the organization irrespective of the file location whether it resides “in” or “outside” the corporate boundaries. This happens as the permissions embedded inside the file don’t allow unauthorized access, modification, copying or printing. […]

File Fuzzing Using Minifuzz

What is Fuzzing? Fuzz testing is a testing technique that provides malicious input to the application. Fuzz testing is crashes, assertion failures, and memory leaks when program fails to handle the malicious input. Fuzz testing identifies vulnerabilities which are severe in nature. The typical fuzzing checks the application for buffer overflow, format string vulnerability which […]

Identifying Security Flaws With Code Analysis Tool (CAT.NET)

Code Analysis Tool (CAT.NET) is a binary source code analysis tool that helps in identifying common security flaws in managed code. These vulnerabilities are listed in the below table. Vulnerability Description Cross Site Scripting(XSS) XSS vulnerability allows an attacker to inject a malicious HTML Code or Scripts which gets executed in the Client’s browser. A successful XSS […]