Critical Joomla File Upload Vulnerability

I was reading the Joomla Update, A bug in Joomla Core and having the criticality is always awesome to see 🙂 I decided to give the bug a look to see what the actual problem was. I looked at the diffs (changes made) to the latest version 2.5.14 From the commits, there are […]

File Fuzzing Using Minifuzz

What is Fuzzing? Fuzz testing is a testing technique that provides malicious input to the application. Fuzz testing is crashes, assertion failures, and memory leaks when program fails to handle the malicious input. Fuzz testing identifies vulnerabilities which are severe in nature. The typical fuzzing checks the application for buffer overflow, format string vulnerability which […]

Identifying Security Flaws With Code Analysis Tool (CAT.NET)

Code Analysis Tool (CAT.NET) is a binary source code analysis tool that helps in identifying common security flaws in managed code. These vulnerabilities are listed in the below table. Vulnerability Description Cross Site Scripting(XSS) XSS vulnerability allows an attacker to inject a malicious HTML Code or Scripts which gets executed in the Client’s browser. A successful XSS […]

SQL Injection in Stored Procedure & Preventing from the same

Following is the small example of creating a stored procedure. ==================================================================== CREATE PROC sp_login (@loginid nvarchar(25),@password nvarchar(25)) AS DECLARE @SQLString VARCHAR(500) DECLARE @loginid VARCHAR(64) DECLARE @password VARCHAR(64) /* Build the SQL string once.*/ SET @SQLString = ‘SELECT * from cust_users WHERE login_id = ‘+ ””+@loginid+”” + ‘AND password = ‘+ ””+@password+”” EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString