Malware Development – Welcome to the Dark Side: Part 1

If you are in cybersecurity, especially Red Teaming, writing a full-undetectable (FUD) malware is a great skill to have. Folks tend to use Metasploit combined with Veil-Evasion or PE injectors like LordPE or Shelter, to generate a binary which can bypass the antivirus. Sometimes this works and sometimes it does not. The worst thing that […]

Using Digital Forensics To Verify Insurance Claims

Introduction Digital forensics methods are often used to uncover evidence from electronic devices to get information and verify validity of insurance claims. This is crucial in order to establish arson, insurance fraud, wrongful death, etc. These methods and techniques greatly assist insurance investigators in uncovering any digital evidence which could be accessible, password-protected, recently deleted, […]

Information Rights Management – Addressing The Need

What is Information Rights Management? Information Rights Management is the set of techniques and methods which protect the highly sensitive information of the organization irrespective of the file location whether it resides “in” or “outside” the corporate boundaries. This happens as the permissions embedded inside the file don’t allow unauthorized access, modification, copying or printing. […]

Data Leakage Prevention – Securing The Data Spillage

What is Data Leakage Prevention? Data Leakage Prevention is the category of solutions which help an organization to apply controls for preventing the unwanted accidental or malicious leakage of sensitive information to unauthorized entities in or outside the organization. Here sensitive information may refer to organization’s internal process documents, strategic business plans, intellectual property, financial […]