A Phishy Story

Phishing sounds similar to fishing. Fishes are to the volume of internet users today much like fishermen are to phishers. Zillions of fishes falling prey the nets is nothing less compared to internet users being phished through their own in boxes and messengers. Phishers tend to have some personal favorites – personal information, credit cards […]

First conviction under IT Act

Finally, we have our first conviction under the IT Act 2000 in India. After more than a 100 cases being lodged, and about half of them actually reaching the courts, we have our first conviction of an orthopaedic surgeon in Chennai being convicted of recording and uploading pornographic images. He and his brother in the […]

Indian IT Act 2000 – An Insight

from NII Consulting The IT Act 2000 is a large repository of fine print fraught with judicial jargon and varying legal implications. To quote from the preamble of the Act, “An Act to provide legal recognition for the transactions carried our by means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication, commonly referred […]

Game One

by K. K. Mookhey, NII Consulting e4 It’s late at night, and the phone rings. This had better be a world-changing revolution. But it’s something weirder. A client in East Asia informs us that his systems are behaving most abnormally. Before one can gather one’s senses, the information begins to flow: “The primary trading systems, […]