5 Cybersecurity lessons to learn from Stranger Things

5 Cybersecurity lessons to learn from Stranger Things Featured

Netflix’s original series ‘Stranger Things‘ season-4 is on its way to a worldwide release today. As the plot deepens every season, viewers are rooting hard for their favourite characters. From the power-house Eleven to lovable Steve, everyone has made their way to our techno-savvy hearts. You’d be mighty pleased to know that this series not […]

Breaking up on Valentine’s Day!Featured

Valentine’s Day is approaching fast. And on this day, if anyone is more active than lovers around the world, it is the cybercriminals.  Cybercriminals always look for opportunities to take advantage of oblivious online consumers. From counterfeit gift scams to fake dating apps, their presence is everywhere.  Research from security firm Check Point revealed that over […]

The Ominous signs of a potential Inter-State Cyberwar

According to an announcement made on Tuesday, August 10 by FireEye, a global cybersecurity firm, a coordinated cyberattack, which most likely originated in China, hit dozens of Israeli government and private organizations. This cyberattack is the first documented case of a large-scale Chinese attack on Israel, the world’s leading cyber superpower. Aimed at leaking political […]

Cybersecurity Threats at the Olympics

With more than 11,000 athletes from 206 countries participating, the world is watching the delayed Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games with great enthusiasm. But, unfortunately, while the Olympics showcases the very best in sporting talent, it also has a history of attracting cybersecurity threats from those seeking to cause politically motivated harm, make easy money, spread […]